Our transport systems shape how we experience and access the places we live, work and play. Working alongside our clients and communities, we deliver solutions to get people where they need to go in safer, smarter and more connected ways.
With our growing populations, changing climate and increasing demands of infrastructure, the transport systems and networks connecting and underpinning our communities have never been a more public and critical responsibility.

Our transport specialists are industry leaders in transport planning, road safety, micromobility, traffic engineering, transport modelling, ITS (Intelligent Transport System) and project management.

We believe that better integrated and reliable transport choices are essential to meeting our shared responsibility for a safer, more sustainable and equitable society, and a decarbonised transport system.

In collaboration with our clients and partners across local and central government and commercial sectors, we work to understand any challenges, and apply the knowledge and expertise to deliver high quality, healthy travel solutions.

We look forward to collaborating with you to achieve your goals of today and aspirations for tomorrow. 

Our People

Andrew Murray

Technical Director - Transportation

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Email Andrew Murray
Chris Morley

Principal - Transportation

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Email Chris Morley
Stephen Hewett

Business Director - Transportation

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Email Stephen Hewett