CH2M Beca and Western Water have been jointly awarded the Australian Water Association’s (AWA) National ‘Infrastructure Project Innovation Award (Metro)’, for our creative use of digital technology across the Western Water network in Victoria!
This prestigious award was formally presented on 4 May at AWA’s gala “night under the stars” dinner in Adelaide as part of the OzWater 21 Conference. The award recognises the team’s excellent work “Deriving Value Through Remote Access to Asset Information” at Western Water’s Merrimu Treatment Plant, through the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) and other 3D technologies, to build their Asset Information Management System.

The winning work was selected from a truly outstanding group of five projects across Australia, each having won their respective state level ‘Infrastructure Project Innovation Award’ back in March 2021.
As the AWA states, “these finalists presented significant and innovative infrastructure projects within the water industry that drive prosperity and sustainability, delivering improved outcomes for the organisation, community and industry”.
In commenting on this significant achievement, Group General Manger – Water, Clive Rundle, said “this is a proud moment for us and our client Western Water, and testament to the great digital solutions and innovation we can deliver when compared against the best in the Australian water market”.
Matt Bismark, Water Segment Director also reflected on Western Water’s long-term objective to become a recognised leader in digital technology in the water industry.
“This award recognises Western Waters commitment to innovation and realising their desire to be a leader in digital technology in the water industry. Having the vision to know that things can be done differently, and then trusting us to work with them to use the digital tools now available to us to make a difference in their business as a true testament to how we can work to be better together.
“Who knew that when we started this project more than 18 months ago, it would be put to the test in 2020 allowing parts of the business to effectively continue safely through a COVID restricted world,”
Beca provides Water and Wastewater Consulting engineering services across Australia and New Zealand, with international expertise through strong local connections across the full project lifecycle. We combine technology with experience and technical capability, to offer tailored solutions that meet the needs of our clients and their customers.
You can learn more about the Australian Water Association and their Infrastructure Project Innovation Award (Metro) finalists here. A case study of our Western Water Digital Solutions can also be viewed here.
Or you can watch a video that provides a visual overview of this project here.