We work collaboratively with you, actively listening to your airfield plans and aspirations so that we can customise our pavement maintenance advice, programmes and services to help meet your objectives.

We know that you value your airfield assets and may need answers to complex questions about your airfield pavement’s unique load-carrying capacity and limitations.

We can investigate and provide answers to these issues and explain the pavement’s loading capability, and remaining reliable service life. We are also able to discuss your options with you, such as the choice between developing short and long-term asset management plans, or the merits of capital replacement programmes.

Pavement maintenance services we offer include pavement inspection plans, staging operational maintenance programmes, developing pavement design and rehabilitation options and providing construction surveillance.

Our People

Blair Paterson

Associate - Airport Engineer

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Damian Johnson

Senior Associate - Airports Engineer

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Tony Wallis

Technical Director - Airport Engineering

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